Sunday, February 28, 2010

Week 3 Deadline Approaching

Static Art Complete, Placeholder UI Dialogs System Complete Week 3 (3/3)

    I know I am posting these retroactively - hopefully I'll get on top of these blog updates eventually. This week I'd like to share the concept of the game and some of the planning. From the spec I wrote before kicking this whole thing off:

        The goal of the game is for Anders to propose to Steffany in a creative, fun way. The game must be simple to understand, impossible to screw up, very quick to produce, and be cute as hell. 

        To achieve these high level goals:
    1.       The game play is to be modeled off of Pac Man, a simple game that almost everybody knows.
    2.       The player will be guided by pop-up dialogs that must be read before continuing to inform the player of changes in game state.
    3.       Game logic will facilitate "not screwing up" by forcing the player into the desired situations.
    4.       The game must be in a limited arena with limited art assets (like Pac Man). The maze walls will be constructed by 5-10 or so extremely simple building block models and will remain static.
    5.       The game art and presentation must be as polished as possible - this includes start menu, end credits, music, in-game art and animation. You know how we roll with our production values.

    The basic concept: Pac Man. Steff is navigating the maze trying to eat foods when I show up on the scene and start stealing her foods. Then (quite metaphorically) we decide that we can eat more foods if we join forces and work together!

    This week I'm trying to finish up the environment art. I also secured an animator - an old friend from school who animated on a previous project: Full Moon Manor (another project I'd like to continue some day).

    Communicating with my programmer has been problematic, hoping to resolve that soon! This project is moving fast and I'm concerned that we'll be behind schedule soon.


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